Seeking Light Studio

Fine art inspired bespoke wedding invitations & unique heirloom paper goods.

Hand drawn illustrations


Refined embellishments

— for lovers of the

tactile —

In an increasingly digital world, artisan paper goods are more captivating than ever. Bespoke fine art stationery allows you to romanticize your love story. As one of the few everlasting pieces of your celebration, your wedding stationery will be an heirloom keepsake to treasure for generations to come. If you’re drawn to tactile details like wax seals, silk ribbon, and handmade paper with deckled edges - you’ve come to the right place!

Wedding Stationery Services

Handmade paper custom wedding invitations with watercolour, gold leaf, silk ribbon, wax seals and deckled edges..

Custom Invitation Suites

Deckled edge letterpress vow book with gold leaf and silk ribbon.

Day-Of Paper

Meet the Artist —

Calgary wedding stationery designer in her studio.